Neck Pain

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senior woman in living room with neck pain 2022 06 17 02 18 15 utc

Neck pain

Neck pain can be caused by restriction and inflammation from the joints, muscles, nerves and ligaments in the spine.
Our expert Chiropractors will thoroughly examine you to understand the exact cause of your neck pain, and explain how they can help.
There are many types of pain or symptoms that can coming from the neck, such as:
More often than not, back pain is due to a nerve being irritated from an inflamed joint and it comes hand in hand with muscle spasm and pain.
Firstly we will assess your nerves, muscles and joints to get to the root of your problem:

Causes of
neck pain

Generally, neck stiffness and tension can build over years and turn into a persistent, or recurring problem.

The weight of our head is about the same as a bowling-ball (about 6kg!) so any repeated, or prolonged movements that we do that involve tilting the head forwards or look down can cause problems. Even those working at a desk, and not really moving their heads at all can still experience problems.

With neck pain being one of the most common problems that people see a Chiropractor for, we have become very good at helping.

By gently restoring movement into the neck joints, either carefully with our hands, or by using a light tool called an ‘activator’, we can help all ages including young children and the elderly.

These techniques reduce inflammation and nerve irritation so you can get you back to feeling, functioning and living well.

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