Back Pain

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pain in lower back sciatica nerve pain 2021 09 04 09 28 17 utc

Lower back pain..

Lower back pain is a one of the most common conditions that a chiropractor sees and which affects many people at some point in their lives. Often this pain may have been around for years, with people often calling it their ‘normal’ pain.
At Wholesome Health, we are experts in treating lower back pain.
And we know that no pain is normal. Instead, it is your body letting you know there is a problem.
So let us help you.
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Causes of
lower back pain

Most commonly, we see lower back problems associated with nerve irritation from restrictions in the joints in the lower section of the back or pelvis. Often this is accompanied with some muscle spasm too. These spinal joints can become a problem through inactivity, such as years of sitting (such as those working at a desk or in an office), trauma or repeated straining movements (such as bending and twisting to lift something).
Chiropractors successfully treat people with lower back pain on a daily basis. They help by restoring movement into these joints, reducing inflammation and nerve irritation and therefore getting you back to feeling, functioning and living well.
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