Your consultation


What to expect at your consultation

At Wholesome Health, we believe in taking a thorough and holistic approach to healthcare. Before you come in for a Chiropractic consultation, we’ll first send you online paperwork to fill out so we have a better understanding of your current health.
During the consultation, we’ll fully examine you, which includes a complete spinal check, orthopaedic and neurological testing. This is because we understand that the nervous system runs through the spine and controls all functions of the body, and we want to ensure that everything is functioning properly. We won’t just focus on the problem area, but will also look for other underlying issues that may be contributing to your pain or discomfort.
Once we’ve completed the examination, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your goals and what you hope to achieve through Chiropractic care. We believe it’s important to understand what’s meaningful to you and what you want to get back to doing, if pain has been stopping you.
From there, we’ll create a personalised treatment plan that may include adjustments, massage, lifestyle advice, and other techniques to help get you back to optimal health. We’ll take the time to explain each step of the process, so you feel comfortable and informed about your care.
At Wholesome Health, we’re committed to helping you achieve your health goals and get back to living your life to the fullest. By combining a wealth of experience, knowledge and techniques, we offer you quality, bespoke and ultimately preventative healthcare.
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